Monday, October 16, 2017

Case of Mondays!!!

I had a few of those Mondays…

One early Monday morning Email check, first in the inbox, right out of the bat, the Scoot World Champ asking for more details about our S1 Helmets… We would love to get him on our “Certified” Ambassador team, so the week got a fast start! Pressure is on to reel him in!
(not mentioning any name to protect current deals! ;o)


Then, out of the blue, a big order came in! From the newest shop, recently open, I was for sure not expecting such a commitment from them - I was blown away.
Another order followed…
(not mentioning names to not make jealous! :o)

The case of another Awesome Monday!

Monday is also the day after the weekend (it is!) therefore social media are flown by the weekend epic rides, contests results and nasty falls clips!

So, for @S1Scoot, Social Media Mondays, we get lot of comments and/or tags, often going something like “I was so so so lucky I had my @s1scoot @s1helmets s1 helmet on and protected my from any brain damage and I hit hard.” @nate.pena
Such shot outs often come with quite graphic videos,  like in this case. So you start the week with a “ouch” and cringes followed by a “oufffffffff” he was wearing his S1 Helmets. Yes, emotional roller coaster!!

And it is not only the posts we are tagged on, we get hit on DM too, “Saved my kids nugget this weekend” - David McLean Proud Dad of Winter Series Advanced winner Colin!
This type of messages do put a lot of pressure to respond!!! Lot to handle after a “leisury” weekend! It does put a lot of proud in the work done as well - what a weight!!! Motivation to carry through the week, feeling up the tank!

If this is hard to handle ;), how about when safety concerns uphill mum’s anger upon realizing they had bought their kids uncertified helmets  “Years worth. It seems criminal” “do you know how upset I was…”
Parents are glad and thankful they find S1 certification - S1 helmets provide up to 5 times more protection than soft shell helmets!
Realizing you had been fooled for years by the market’s best seller does get a bunch of parents quite upset! I’m glad I’m at this end of the deal, bringing a real safety solution to those anxious parents and riders!!
All that without the fashion sacrifice of most certified helmets, not dome heads, riders are happy with the blend in look, parents stoked on the safety. From anger to happy family are often part of Monday communications! No rest for the wicked!


I know that’s already a lot for a Monday but if only it was it!
All competitions are over the weekend, results and assets from evens usually land on my inbox by Mondays.
How many of our riders got into the podium? one, two, 3, 4… It’s never easy, never 0 or 1! The  S1 winner list is always long, always! So have to be the thanks and congratulations!!!
Those congrats are not just words too, there are real pride in all those riders and their achievements. They proved to be the best in their field and age category, how cool is that!?!?!?!
Positive emotions such like those can be over whelming by the end of the day!! :)


This weekend Winter Series at Ronka Underground Skatepark, #S1Lifer got 4 wins out of 6 divisions, 2 x second and 2 x third! That’s a lot of names to tag!! ;)
The main worry there is to miss a winner, so many of them! One of those young rider not in my team manager’s radar as their parents bought their helmets, they not even on the hook up list!! The kid gets on the podium and you didn’t even realized he was wearing a S1. No thanks, no congrats, no tag! Bummer! You don't want to do that!
Giving proper credits is due! I hope I didn’t forget anyone in this weekend list… Monday worries :o


Half of the podiums! And S1 has been on the scoot market for less than 6 months! Talk about Progression! (Picture, Ambassador Brig Beck @BrigBeck)

Today, was just another Monday, the rest of the week still ahead. I’ll be good & pumped up for the rest of the week!!
Next Monday, S1 helmets arrive in Europe… more winners, more happy parents & stylish riders!!
Can’t wait.

Look for S1 Lifer helmets, liners at your local scooter shop or get yours online:
Enter promo code “Undialed” to win monthly prizes and a chance to win a trip to Woodward with Undialed!

Follow us on Instagram @S1Scoot

For wholesales inquiries, contact Pierre Camoin, headline “Safe Helmet”!!

(“Positive Sarcasm” article inspired by Scoot Chantos (Mental Munchies) for the Positivism and by “Sarcasm Month”)

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