Tuesday, May 22, 2018

US Championships: 1,2… 4 & more

1,2… 4 & more
Those are S1 Lifer ranking at this weekend scooter USA championships 2018!!
Bransyn Smith 2018 & 2017 US Champ! "Never Without it" S1 Lifer

S1 riders snatch top podiums places and make 9  of the 15 riders qualifying for the world championships in Barcelona - June 16 - 17.
“Never without S1” shout out Bransyn Smith from the podium, right after being crown (again!) the new US Champion!  Bransyn adopted the S1 Lifer for its comfort and extra protection, local to the Rubens Alya park in Chino, where the event was held he outscored a field of the best US riders.

Chris Farris, coming in as top favorite, finished in 4th but is still heading to the World Championships as a top contender with current World Champ Dante Hutchinson.
Chris wears a maroon matte S1 Lifer which as becomes to be known as the Chris Farris model! An early adopter of the S1 certified action sports Helmet, Chris won 2 of the US Qualifying events (out of 5, 4 he participated on!) & last summer SD11. The World is now his to grab!
Maroon Matte S1 Lifer aka Chris Farris Model

Young up and comer Tristan Anderman surprised the crowd with a  2nd place finished. Tristan recently joined the S1 family after a bad fall. With his progression on such a fast track, Tristan needed the full on protection - 74.7% impact reduction - of S1 certified helmets!
Tristan Anderman, all smiles and Certified Protection!
In the Pro division, along 1, 2 and 4, S1 Lifer also took the 6th Michael Uhrich - 7th Tyler Chaffin - 8th Jordan Robles - 10th Clayton Lindley  - 13th Nolan Shoemaker - All qualified for Barcelona’s World Championships!
Jordan Robles #8, Bransyn, Michael Uhrich #6

Wyatt Anderson, US #11, joined the S1 family after the event as he showed up after the event to the S1 booth on an uncertified helmet and left stoked on a perfect fitting S1 Lifer Undialed Collab helmet (LIT logo). A great day for Wyatt, qualification to Words and safer riding for now on!

S1 Lifer got Similar results in the other division, with a full S1 podium in the advanced division.
Under 12: Revin Cachat #1- Brig Beck #2 - Jaden Kikukawa #3

A year ago, young star Brig Beck was about the only rider on a S1 helmets. His dad having to drive to far away skate shop to find a proper certified helmets.

At this year Nationals, S1 helmets were a dominant features all around.
From the top pros, to the younger riders, to Youtuber stars like Rocco Piazza, Raymond Warner & Undialed TV, Clayton Lindley & Willy Cashion, the S1 Scoot Family has grown exponentially in this past year!
Rocco Pizza Vblog, repping S1 in style and good company!

The word is out about certified helmets and the mentalities have completely flipped within a year.
From the skate park being dominated by soft shell helmets - 0.5% impact reduction - to now the predominance of S1 Certified!

Top pros lead the way as of necessity, parents pushed for the safety of their kids, however it is the young riders that might have created the most hype around being “S1 certified”.
Instagram has spread the word out, traveling pros showed the S1 helmets in parks around the world while YouTubers showed S1 good look & perfect fit to over 20 millions of viewers. A year later, the world of scootering is safer and “certified”!

Willy C., Ernie P/, Sean C. & Cam W. a happy family
 - Photo by @myphonerides -

The World is next!


Look for S1 Lifer helmets, liners at your local scooter shop or get yours online:

Pro Kneepads coming in Spring
S1 x LIT collab helmet is back in stock!

Follow us on Instagram @S1Scoot

For wholesales inquiries, contact Pierre Camoin pierrecamoin@gmail.com!!

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US Championships: 1,2… 4 & more

1,2… 4 & more Those are S1 Lifer ranking at this weekend scooter USA championships 2018!! Bransyn Smith 2018 & 20...