Tuesday, July 25, 2017

S1 Helmets takes over scooter brains!

Not in a zombie type way though… S1 Scooter Division @s1scoot started just 3 months ago and our helmets have been hugging scooter heads in growing numbers!

Bulky looks and crappy fits have kept most riders away from certified helmets, often associated with Target’s kid styrofoam “brain to-go box.”

Then comes S1!! Bringing a perfect fit, providing up to 5 times more protection than soft shell with little difference to your dome’s appearance (no cone heads here!). S1 is a certified helmet that sits tight on your head, “like a hug for your brain” (@MrRyanUpchruch).

Within a few months of showcasing the S1 in the scooter market, S1 is becoming the premiere choice for helmets. Most are coming to realize the little protection brought by soft shell helmets. Certified helmets are IN and S1 provides the extra protection without sacrificing fashion!

With flips and flairs part of scooter’s basic bag of tricks, head exposure and consequently injuries and concussions are even more common in scooter than most actions sports. Scooter riders have been on the lookout for better helmets, looking toward Europe and Australia where certified helmets are often mandatory, without finding that right balance of protection and style…

This search ended with S1 arrival on the scooter market. From the get-go S1 boosted to the highest level - as in Nitro Circus Mega ramp height and triple backflip level!

Only a few days after outfitting the riders behind the popular scooter Youtube channel Undialed (@undialedTV), Australian homie Will Barlow aka @Barzeyy landed his first triple flip with his S1 Lifer neatly tuck on his head, the 3rd in scooter history...

Nope, he didn’t land it on his first try! Barzeyy and numerous competitors put the S1 Lifer to some serious crash test leading to the Nitro World Games finals in Salt Lake City, the most progressive scooter show to date with numerous World First.

S1 Lifer Chris Farris (@Chris_Farris12) took 4th place at the Nitro Games and followed up with a HUGE win at Scooter Con SD11 (the biggest prize money and longest running scoot event), pocketing a nifty $4,500, plus a $200 incentive from S1!

Jason Robles, one of the best young up and comers, who was hooked up with a new S1 only a few days before SD11, didn’t plan to ride with his new helmet… but upon trying it, the perfect fit boost his confidence to a 5th place finish!! Late into the evening, long after all riding was done, when the results were announced, Jordan was still wearing his S1 Lifer, so comfortable… you forget, you are wearing it!

This event also featured the first ever female competition with S1 Lifer Mia Catalano (@__miacatalano_) and Rachelle Klein (@thatonescootergirl) taking 3rd and 2nd place respectively.

Those results show that for sure the S1 helmets doesn’t inner performance, no doubts there! The added protection should also have quite a positive effect on the rider’s confidence, that has a huge impact on progression.

Successes on the park are backed by a growing social media presence. S1’s reach on Instagram is extending pass the million followers via the numerous riders hooked up, a constant flow of posts, shout outs and tags! @S1scoot following is growing fast, S1 insta clip featuring lab testing of the helmets reached over 8000 views even more than Chris Farris winning run (7K)! Numbers don’t lie, the interest is strong because riders are behind the product!

On YouTube, the favorite platform for this young scooter generation, S1 is also getting increased exposure through our partnership with Undialed, team riders and fans. Undialed TV’s first video featuring S1, “Saving your Life!!” got over 130,000 views!!  https://youtu.be/HEsbeb9yqdk 

Plus, rider/YouTuber like Raymond Warner, Jon Cross or the Deeder Bros get thousands of views per episode and often feature the S1 helmet.

While S1 is getting plenty of coverage and great contest results, none of that matters as much as the constant flow of positive testimonials.

The S1 increased protection has been proven in lab testing  https://youtu.be/1BZnhKzbwuY.
However, a “Perfect fit” is less tangible, more subject to interpretations, only testimonials can really show this broader appeal.

Great feedback about the S1 fit are pouring on Instagram. From team riders,  to our first buyers, many are shouting out to the quality of the S1 lifer fit and look.

“One of the most significant testimonial" affirms S1 Scooter Brand Manager and former District Marketing Director - Pierre Camoin "comes from Rider/Designer/Photographer Ryan Upchurch, “After 3+ certified helmet brands later, finally found one that feels good and protects my noggin”, it summarizes the common feeling. Those guys have been looking for proper protection without success until now, until S1. The search has ended!”

The S1 Lifer does fit and most can feel that right away, again nothing talks louder than our testimonials! Nitro World Games riders Australian Barzeyy and Canadian Jai Walker (@jaiwalker_havoc) both gave S1 some sincere thanks & “Insta Love” for saving their lives after multiple unsuccessful jumps on the mega:

“@S1Scoot <- Saved my life” @Barzeyy
“If I hadn’t had it [S1] Probably I wouldn’t walked away” @JaiHavoc_Walker.

The @S1scoot Direct Message notifications often ring something like : “Super comfortable, super light and nice” “I didn’t like certified helmets until this one"... “I’ve learned a lot about helmets since learning yours was certified. Going to buy some when I get home” from @pro_Scooter_dad, the oldest rider to ever attempt to drop on the mega quarter at Woodward, reaffirms a general feeling!

Before S1’s arrival, for most, a helmet was…a helmet. Only a few pros who had suffered head injuries were pushing for the use of certified helmets. S1’s increasing presence in scooter shops and on scooter brains is echoing the need for better protection and furthering the understanding of the difference between certified and soft shell helmets.

As the market is still predominantly dominated by soft shell helmets, every single sale of a certified helmet has a significant safety impact.

We, at S1 are tremendously thankful for the reception the US scooter community has been giving us. With the strength of this success we will bring S1 to the Euro scooter scene next!

Big thanks to our team riders - already too many to name - and in particular to our core team of  “Certified” Ambassadors:

- Willy Cashion @WhiteTrashWilly
- Clayton Lindley @ClaytonLindley

- Will Barlow @Barzeyy

- Chris Farris @Chris_Farris12

- Chandler Dunn @ChandlerDunn1

- Brig Beck @BrigBeck1

- Jordan Robles @JordanRobles9

We owe this success to our growing number of scoot retailers, too. As S1 is dedicated to provide quality products to specialty retailers, we are building a close relationship with our scoot shops, through our team riders, and diverse cross promotions from giveaways to ride days to flyers.

The postcards S1 made for the SD11 event in partnership with its Ambassadors and their retail sponsor, were a big hit among the autograph chasing fans!

Again, Suzie at Ronka skatepark who now carries S1 Helmets, signed her last email with “#LoveS1”!!  A straight up recap of the reception of S1 Helmets got on the scoot market!

We love your brains too, Freestyle Scooter!

Follow us on Instagram @S1Scoot

Look for S1 Lifer helmets and liners at your local scooter shop or get yours online:


Enter promo code “Undialed” to win monthly prizes and a chance to win a trip to Woodward with Undialed!

For wholesales inquiries, contact Pierre Camoin pierrecamoin@gmail.com, Subject line “Certified Helmet”!!

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