Tuesday, May 22, 2018

US Championships: 1,2… 4 & more

1,2… 4 & more
Those are S1 Lifer ranking at this weekend scooter USA championships 2018!!
Bransyn Smith 2018 & 2017 US Champ! "Never Without it" S1 Lifer

S1 riders snatch top podiums places and make 9  of the 15 riders qualifying for the world championships in Barcelona - June 16 - 17.
“Never without S1” shout out Bransyn Smith from the podium, right after being crown (again!) the new US Champion!  Bransyn adopted the S1 Lifer for its comfort and extra protection, local to the Rubens Alya park in Chino, where the event was held he outscored a field of the best US riders.

Chris Farris, coming in as top favorite, finished in 4th but is still heading to the World Championships as a top contender with current World Champ Dante Hutchinson.
Chris wears a maroon matte S1 Lifer which as becomes to be known as the Chris Farris model! An early adopter of the S1 certified action sports Helmet, Chris won 2 of the US Qualifying events (out of 5, 4 he participated on!) & last summer SD11. The World is now his to grab!
Maroon Matte S1 Lifer aka Chris Farris Model

Young up and comer Tristan Anderman surprised the crowd with a  2nd place finished. Tristan recently joined the S1 family after a bad fall. With his progression on such a fast track, Tristan needed the full on protection - 74.7% impact reduction - of S1 certified helmets!
Tristan Anderman, all smiles and Certified Protection!
In the Pro division, along 1, 2 and 4, S1 Lifer also took the 6th Michael Uhrich - 7th Tyler Chaffin - 8th Jordan Robles - 10th Clayton Lindley  - 13th Nolan Shoemaker - All qualified for Barcelona’s World Championships!
Jordan Robles #8, Bransyn, Michael Uhrich #6

Wyatt Anderson, US #11, joined the S1 family after the event as he showed up after the event to the S1 booth on an uncertified helmet and left stoked on a perfect fitting S1 Lifer Undialed Collab helmet (LIT logo). A great day for Wyatt, qualification to Words and safer riding for now on!

S1 Lifer got Similar results in the other division, with a full S1 podium in the advanced division.
Under 12: Revin Cachat #1- Brig Beck #2 - Jaden Kikukawa #3

A year ago, young star Brig Beck was about the only rider on a S1 helmets. His dad having to drive to far away skate shop to find a proper certified helmets.

At this year Nationals, S1 helmets were a dominant features all around.
From the top pros, to the younger riders, to Youtuber stars like Rocco Piazza, Raymond Warner & Undialed TV, Clayton Lindley & Willy Cashion, the S1 Scoot Family has grown exponentially in this past year!
Rocco Pizza Vblog, repping S1 in style and good company!

The word is out about certified helmets and the mentalities have completely flipped within a year.
From the skate park being dominated by soft shell helmets - 0.5% impact reduction - to now the predominance of S1 Certified!

Top pros lead the way as of necessity, parents pushed for the safety of their kids, however it is the young riders that might have created the most hype around being “S1 certified”.
Instagram has spread the word out, traveling pros showed the S1 helmets in parks around the world while YouTubers showed S1 good look & perfect fit to over 20 millions of viewers. A year later, the world of scootering is safer and “certified”!

Willy C., Ernie P/, Sean C. & Cam W. a happy family
 - Photo by @myphonerides -

The World is next!


Look for S1 Lifer helmets, liners at your local scooter shop or get yours online:

Pro Kneepads coming in Spring
S1 x LIT collab helmet is back in stock!

Follow us on Instagram @S1Scoot

For wholesales inquiries, contact Pierre Camoin pierrecamoin@gmail.com!!

Monday, April 16, 2018

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Monday, February 26, 2018

S1 Scoot Helmet market take Over

Of course, S1 Helmets was well established before opening the Scoot Division in May 2017.

The S1 Full face helmet is favored among high speed downhill skaters and BMXers, skaters have been wearing the S1 Certified for years.
In the scoot world however, where shops until a few months were mostly selling soft shell helmets, S1 helmets had not much presence until recently.
Brig Beck S1 Lifer since Day 1

A few conscientious scoot parents had made their research and were already outfitting their kids with the best protection on the market. S1 scoot ambassador Brig Beck was one of them, his dad had to take him to skate shops to get the S1 certified helmet he wanted for his son.
Recent Advanced Division winner  of the Ronka Underground Park ISA Qualifier, Daniel Deeder & his brother Dominique coming from an action sports family with a vert skater dad, have too been wearing S1 for years.
Pro rider & Chenga Chronicler Jon Cross has always been wearing a S1 as his local park Chenga World have been pushing certified helmets in BMX for years and repping S1.
The Deeder S1 Family. Sons Dominic and Daniel now on top of scooter podium

However, those are exceptions, with little education about helmets, most riders just bought whatever was available and rare were the scoot shops selling certified helmets in the US.
The traditional soft shell skate helmet, a low price bargain with a lab tested impact reduction of 0.5% (1000G) has been flying off the shelves for decades… why change a product that sells?

This had been the state of the helmet market on the US scooter scene until S1 opened its Scoot Division at the end of May 2017. Headed by Pierre Camoin, former District Scooter Marketing Director, the S1 Scoot Division quickly got on board top riders and showed up the brand’s intention to support the scene.

The wins started to come up fast, S1 Ambassador Chris Farris won SD11 - the biggest prize money to date - that August wearing his S1 on the podium. California local Winter Series saw S1 helmets on the podium of each division... on many steps!
But it was at the first International Scooter Association World Championship Qualifier at Ronka Underground skatepark in Bakersfield in February, that the S1 take over got really obvious.

In Pro, again Chris Farris got the win with #S1Lifer Michael Uhrich in 2nd, Bransyn Smith in 5th, Jordan Robles 6th, Raymond Warner 7th… and it keeps on going!! A few top riders not on S1 but a wide majority are carrying the S1 hype!

In the Open Division? Full S1 podium, 1,2 and 3  Daniel Deeder, Nate Pena and Colin McClean… #4 Seth Laughlin also on S1.
For the other divisions … you get the pattern.
Watch some of the V-blogs of the events (United Scooter Association, Raymond Warner, Deeder Bros, etc.) all one sees is S1 helmets!
S1 Winners: Daniel Deeder (Open), Chris Farris (Pros)

S1 has been supporting the recent scoot comps with prize money - total of $8,0000 offered at the Ronka event! - and also giving up helmets for comp prizes.
One could argue, it’s the reason of such a take-over in that niche but, contest prizes also included certified helmets from a different brand and S1 competitor have a big banner hang on the contest park… Options are there and the riders have made their choice, they ride S1!

Jon Cross at Chenga World Skatepark

The “S1 take over” is quite obvious on YouTube, the preferred platform of this generation.
“S1 saved my Life”, Undialed video were first to showcase S1 strength to the scooter world, now racking over 238K views.
Like for the podiums, it becomes here too easier to name the top guys not riding on S1!!!
S1 helmets got massive, massive coverage from 2 million strong grom-star Rocco Piazza, stunt bros team the Funk Bros (Corey riding a kid bike of a roof into a trampoline full of balloons!! Riding certified is a must!), Chris Farris’s Full Ride, all-time legend Raymond Warner and, more recently teen idol Tanner Fox (get him to 7 Million!!).
S1 efficient protection, 74.7% impact reduction attracts parents of young competitors but it’s the S1’s look that charms the YouTubers!
;) No bulky head, S1 streamlined fit, just looks way better on screen! ;)
... and you can wear your S1 for hours after riding not realizing you still wear it (See tanner Fox latest prank video!).

A few views... from the Tanner Fox channel...

Of course, on a business stand point, this does only matter if retailers are following suit and listening to the increasing demand.

S1 got its first strong support from the Scooter Warehouse (Atown Park) & Ronka Underground, both family oriented parks and shops with Kevin, Andrea and Suzie already well aware of the need for certified helmets. Riders injuries are perhaps more personal for them as they often happen on their ground, their park. As coaches, parents and park owners, safety is ingrained in their thinking and they became S1 first supporters.
This lead the way for other shops to follow and break down the quasi-monopoly of soft-shell helmets.
No doubt that Southern California is home of the highest concentration of scoot shops and nowadays rare is one not carrying S1.
The hype has crossed the US via Utah & Colorado to hit the East Coast starting with Broadway Scooter Shop in New York and in Florida at Redi to Pedi!
A wall of S1, at our newest retailer, AZ Grind!

Australian top shop Scooter Hut will soon receive a huge stock of LITxS1 helmets.
While in Europe, S1 presence into scoot shop is also expending ahead of a new wholesale distribution center being set up. Shops like AJ Scoot (Denmark), Dissidence (France), Ride Side (Austria), Go Sk8 (Ireland), Rolling Rock (Switzerland) and some others have launched S1 European presence.

Of course, S1 is not yet everywhere some shops have their own alliance and deals, however S1 gain in market shares in this short amount of times have been considerable!
After only a few months current retailers already mentioned that S1 is by far out selling the other established helmets brands.

So, you you can see at the last Ronka event or on YouTube is reflected at the retail level, huge hype for a quality safety item!
When was a helmet ever cool!? 
S1 helmets are! 

S1 dominance might not be forever however, it’s not doubt it is pushing soft-shell helmets out of the market and forcing its competition to be active and supporting of the scooter scene. 

May S1 Scoot Division success help eliminate “Board Racism” by showing brand it is a market worth to be involved and proud of!

Chris Farris, the crowd loves him - Nitro Circus World Games - Photo by Shelby Grimnes


Look for S1 Lifer helmets, liners at your local scooter shop or get yours online:

Pro Kneepads coming in Spring
S1 x LIT collab helmet is back in stock!

Follow us on Instagram @S1Scoot

For wholesales inquiries, contact Pierre Camoin pierrecamoin@gmail.com, headline “Safe Helmet”!!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

‘Cause Lab test don’t lie!

Safety is often an intangible concept. We are rarely put in the situation to put the safety of our products to the test. We don’t drive cars to a wall to compare safety rating. We rely on lab testing for that and hope we will never have to find out by ourself!
Clayton Lindley putting his brain on the line - Pic by willy Cashion

For our S1 Helmets, one could say that we didn’t need any lab tests, feedback from pros and riders for all level are plenty enough!
“S1 Save my life” is a common rhetoric on our insta comments or on YouTube reviews 

Skate dad’s review: https://youtu.be/AK9xnNYA7Ao
Undialed TV takes on lab testing! https://youtu.be/HEsbeb9yqdk

YouTube Undialed TV with its own testing
No doubts from anyone who has rode on a soft shell helmet before that the difference with the S1 certified is striking, it doesn’t take many falls to realize how much extra protection the S1 Lifer is providing.
But no one ever wants to duplicate a fall to test the difference in helmets protection! S1 Scoot Brand Manager Pierre Camoin can attest, after a bad fall skating downhill “I’m sure with my old soft-shell it would have been way worth, I’m glad I’ll never found out!
"Probably saved my life" Insta DM from @Cameron_Burr

It doesn’t hurt to bring scientifically facts to prove everyone right!
Lewis Crampton, S1 Lifer and District Scooter team Manager won’t have to do scientific testing by himself (as he mentioned in his insta post!).
"will still undergo vigorous scientific testing" NO NEED @LewisCrampton!

In a accredited, independent  testing facility (aka lab ) conditions are controlled, the same test is duplicated with different helmets to measure the energy of the impact on a “head-form”  (what would be your head!).
Helmets are lifted up to 6 and half feet before being dropped, creating a 1000 G impact.
A rider falling 6 and half feet hitting his head to the ground would suffer an impact of similar force.

As mentions Dan MCCashin during the latest S1 Youtube video the goal of those tests are to “show in a scientific manner the difference between how the S1 Lifer helmet and a soft foam helmet absorb impact energy”.
Bringing scientific facts to the intangible concept of safety.

It's Science! Check it on YouTube!
Warning: parents if your kids is currently riding wearing a soft shell helmet you might want to postpone this reading until he gets home or worry sick until he does.

Indeed soft shell helmets provide ONLY .5% of impact reduction during lab testing.
Yes there is a “.” ahead of that 5! Not even 1% of the impact is reduced by a soft shell helmet, the hard plastic shell just carry the energy straight to the brain.

Why? Why such inefficiency pre-dominant on the market?
Because no-one checked, because it’s assumed that a layer of hard plastic is enough to absorb energy.
It is not and lab test show this easily, brining facts to fight a market inertia.

In comparaison?
The S1 certified helmet reduces the force of the impact by 74.7%!
Yes, 74.7% vs 0.5% that is the scientific comparison of a S1 with a soft shell helmet.

The results are mind blowing, particularly if you wear a soft shell helmet, pun indented!

It’s just like washing hands, a simple things that can have huge impact on your health.
Would you wash your hands with a soap that takes less than 1% of the dirt off your hands?

Would you protect your brain with a helmet providing less than 1% impact reduction?
Popular hand sanitizers get rib of 99,9% of germs, that’s what people use!

Costs? Regular skate helmets prices hoover around $40, with the cheapest online deals in the high $20s while the S1 certified MSRP at $55.
Why waste money on a cheap ineffective gear when actual quality product is a few dollars more??

Certified helmets should be the only helmets wore by riders of any action sports!
Soft shell helmets should be relegated to relic of the past (when we didn’t know better).

There are no alternative facts or scientific consensus to discuss here!
The tests are pretty simple and duplicating real life situation perfectly, your head hits the ground after falling form 6 and half feet. That’s pretty concrete! Any rider can relate, this is exactly what happen to anyone trying new tricks, they fall from their height or more onto the ground.

The real life conditions are quite perfectly replicated in laboratory, shading no doubts on the results.
the difference is so striking, the protection gap so huge!
The feedback and feeling from riders, their intangible feeling of better protection is overwhelmingly confirmed by the scientific tests, the increased protections offered by S1 Helmets is a fact!!

So, dropped than soft shell & get yourself some real protection!

Check all the facts on https://youtu.be/2aHaMMVF7qE


Look for S1 Lifer helmets, liners at your local scooter shop or get yours online:

Pro Kneepads coming in Spring
S1 x LIT collab helmet back in stock in February

Follow us on Instagram @S1Scoot

For wholesales inquiries, contact Pierre Camoin pierrecamoin@gmail.com, headline “Safe Helmet”!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Thanks Scoot Parents!

Thank you, Scoot parents!
Thanks for taking your kid to the park over and over…
Thanks for enduring the smelly shoes and the sweaty pads,
For waiting in the cold until ALL the results are announced.
Thanks for listening through the long conversation about the benefits of HIC vs SCS
and the messy kitchen left by “the gang”.

Thanks for supporting your offspring passion, his/her desire to flip, whip, 360 and more.
Thanks for overcoming the fear of impending injuries,
Nursing bruises and egos!
It is a Family affair - Christmas at the McClean!

How many times did you have to drive back home because of a forgotten a helmet or some other necessities?
How many times did you wish it would suddenly rain to end the session?
How many times you thought about opening a wine bar, right here by the skatepark?? ;)
How often did you give the  whole crew a ride? home… each one!
How often did you pay for the ice-cream?

How many scoot parents started a brand in the industry?
How many parents opened up a shop or a park?
Spending endless hours building the foundation for the scene to grow!

Thanks you for being involved.
Thanks you for your patience and perseverance!
Without this parental support scootering wouldn’t be half where it is today.

The young generation might be doing all the riding but it’s literally thanks to your driving they got there! ;)
Young Talent @pdudeshreds by @ActionOnePhotography

You have been the driver, manager, photographer, nurse and much more to support your kid’s drive to ride.
Scooter Moms & Scooter Dads = Scooter Family

So, it’s perhaps time we tell you!
All helmets are not the same!

Of course, more and more of you know now the difference in between the classic skate helmet (soft shell) and a certified helmet - Up to 5 times more protection!

Unfortunately, many scoot parents haven’t been clearly informed… There are big difference in between soft shell helmets and certified ones!

Certified helmets like the S1 provide up to 5 times more protection than soft shell - as tested in lab: https://youtu.be/EWMC4jtBCVM
The soft shell helmet, the one you have likely found exclusively at most scoot retailers until recently, are actually illegal for riders under 18 in California!
Most of Europe and Australia have stricter laws about helmets certification, but the video above should be enough to convince any parents of the need to wear to safer helmet!

S1 Owner Dan, Lab Testing

S1 Helmets set out to build a better helmets for all actions sports, a certified helmets that looks good!
Because we think like parents for safety and like teenagers for look!

So, please, scoot parents, make sure your kids and his/her friends wear a certified helmet!

And again… thanks for all!
Congrats as well, have you seen the article in Rolling Stone Magazine, “From Toy to Thrash: How Scooters Are Becoming Millennials' Extreme Sport of Choice” - https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/features/how-scooters-are-becoming-millennials-extreme-sport-of-choice-w514863
Scooter made it! It’s blowing up from here and Olympics are next!

Rolling Stone Online Magainze, January 8, 2018


Look for S1 Lifer helmets, liners and kneepads at your local scooter shop or get yours online:
Enter promo code “Undialed” to win monthly prizes and a chance to win a trip to Woodward with Undialed!

Follow us on Instagram @S1Scoot

For wholesales inquiries, contact Pierre Camoin pierrecamoin@gmail.com, headline “Safe Helmet”!!

S1 Lifer Helmet Vs Soft Foam Skate Helmet

S1 Lifer Helmet vs Soft Foam Helmet 
Dec 17 Testing

One of the most advanced, scientific and accurate ways to show how much better the S1 Lifer helmet is versus the traditional soft foam skate helmet is to actually test these in an accredited , independent, 3rd party testing facility.

This is the S1 Lifer Helmet which is constructed with our patented blend of EPS Fusion Foam this is a traditional soft foam skate helmet which is constructed with soft foam inserts.

We’re going to put helmets onto this headform that has an accelerometer in it that measures measures impact energy. The head form is connected to a computer that measures the amount of impact that gets the head in a simulated impact. If the helmet does not have adaquate protection it will fail the test (allows 300 G’s to enter head form) and could possibly cause a serious brain injury (or death).

Without any helmet on the head form if we bring this up to 6.5 feet and drop it down onto the hazard it going to generate 1000 G’s worth of force to the head form .

The reason you wear helmet is to buffer or disperse the amount of impact energy that gets to your head. In order to pass the high impact test the helmet must reduce 1000 G’s worth of energy to under 300 G’s. Anything over 300 G’s fails the test.

We have the soft foam helmet on the head form now we are going to bring it up to six and half feet - drop it from the drop tower and see how it performs.

Soft Foam Helmet allows 995 G's to enter the headform. This helmet fails.

So we have the results here from the soft foam helmet. We had it up at 6.5 feet and dropped it down onto a flat surface which is generating 1000 Gs of energy to the head form this helmet only reduced the energy pulse 5 G’s. It got a peak accretion G of 995
So that means that all of the impact energy going straight through this helmet and getting to the headform. To pass this test you have to get a test under 300 G’s this more than 3x that amount. This helmet fails the high impact test.

We have the S1 Lifer Helmet on the headroom now. We are going to bring it up to 6.5 feet and drop it from the drop tower and see how it performs .

S1 Lifer Helmet allows 235 Gs to enter the headform. This helmet Passes.

So we have the testing results for the S1 Lifer helmet which we dropped from the same distance we dropped the soft foam helmet which generated 1000 G’s worth of energy.

The S1 Lifer Helmet took that 1000 Gs and reduced it to 253 Gs which is a pass for the the high impact test.

Basically what your seeing is that the soft foam helmet is allowing the impact energy to go directly thought the helmet and get to the headform.  But the S1 Lifer Helmet  with the fusion foam is crushing that energy and dispersing out and reducing it 4x the amount the soft foam helmet did. The S1 Lifer Helmet passes the high impact test.

What we wanted to do today was show you in a scientific manner the difference between how the S1 Lifer helmet and a soft foam helmet absorb impact energy what we found was that the Lifer helmet with fusion foam reduced and absorbed impact energy much more effectively than soft foam helmets.

The S1 Lifer Helmet - a better, safer helmet.

In order to pass the high impact test the helmet must reduce the impact energy pulse of 1000 G's to under 300 Gs.
If more than 300 G's of impact energy hits the headform the helmet Fails the test. (Anything over 300 G's will likely cause severe TBI and possible death) .
The Soft Foam Helmet does not prevent the impact energy from hitting the headform.  995 G's goes through the helmet and impacts the head (form).
The S1 Lifer Helmet passes the test by dispersing and reducing the the impact energy to  253 G's. 

S1 Lifer Helmet with the fusion foam is crushing and dispersing the impact energy so it does not effect the headform .

S1 Lifer Helmet
Every production run is batch tested for impact quality protection.
We batch test for our peace of mind and yours !

Monday, November 27, 2017

World First!! LIT/S1 Helmets, First Ever Skate/Scoot Collab!!

The Hate is real... though it is dissipating.
Skaters have looked down on action sport new comer, freestyle scooter since day one.
The hate was strong toward those snaking scooter kids messing up grown up lines…
Those kids grew and from busting lines, they evolved into backflipping and flaring machines.

The scooter trend hasn’t fade - the funky transportation mean of the “dotcom” boom might have - but freestyle scooter hasn’t. It has grown, expanded, matured and affirmed its position among Action Sport top dogs.
Proofs? Take a drive to the nearest skatepark, tune in to Nitro Circus World Games or just check some of YouTube most views channels. Scooter has made it and some riders have made celebrities of themselves. 10 years old Rocco Piazza has 8 million YouTube subscribers, the Funk Bros 3.7 … yes that a market!

On the business side though, scooter is still pretty much isolated from the rest of Action Sports Bizz, with mostly scooter brands involved in the scene, with only random support from mainstream companies. 

The sport is too young to attract Action Sport biggest players, the Energy Drinks. The majority of riders are under 18, this is not a crowd the Red Bull & Co. can advertise too.
As for the companies issues from the skate and surf culture, listening to the loud complains of their core audience, they overlook the scoot market.

Ignoring the “white noise” of negativity, scooter has kept on growing without outside support, stomping triple back flip on the mega ramp and double flairs on the quarters, freestyle scooters voice is getting louder and louder, strong of hundred thousands avid riders, spending dedicated time at the skate park and glued to youtube and instagram scooter accounts on their phone!
Clayton (left)- Willy (Right) & fans on Woodward Mega ramp

A few companies outside the sport have supported scoot riders, setup promos, supported local events and such isolated marketing efforts. However, no Mountain Dew or Go Pro or such have really invested marketing dollars into the sport. Until now…

Action Sport safety equipment brand, S1 Helmets, is breaking ground by being actively involved in the scooter scene (Scoot division started in June 2017), and foremost by being the FIRST EVER mainstream brand to create a “Scoot Collab”.

Landed this November, the S1 Lifer  “LIT” helmet, in collaboration with Undialed TV is the world first skate/scoot partnership!!!

YouTube channel Undialed TV & instagram feed @UndialedTV, hosted by scoot riders Clayton Lindley and Willy Cashion have became a reference in the scoot world, staying core to their riding and community and providing daily updates and videos. Based in Southern California (like S1) Undialed is taking over the scooter world expanding its reach oversea notably with their current Euro Tour.

Undialed’s Clayton is a world top competitor accustomed to going big, sending it and paying the price for his progression - @ClaytonLindley ! Clayton qualified this year for the Nitro Circus Games Finals and got a Wild Card for the Scooter Pro Series Grand Final in Australia, his recent Web Edit 2 (https://youtu.be/CooknJen-AA) has racked up over 270,000 views… among many other riding achievements!
Over his young career, Clayton, has sustained many injuries including over 18 head concussions!!
Clayton, LIT/S1 helmet test run - Photo by Willy Cashion

Second part of the Undialed duo, Willy Cashion aka @whitetrashwilly, pro rider with District is well known for his riding as well as his photography and filming.
S1 Scoot Division Sales & Brand Manager, Pierre Camoin, had previously worked with both riders as the Marketing Director for their top sponsors and was familiar with those guys talents and capacities.

Therefor, Clayton and Willy were naturally the first to join the S1 Scoot Division. Their first mission was to put the S1 Lifer to test on the Nitro Circus Mega Ramp!
Immediately, S1was bombarded by positive feedback from top riders, Australia, triple backflipper Will “Barzeyyy” Barlow was also among the mega ramp testers, Barzeyyy did credit S1 for the ability to get back up for more after a nasty fall and head smashed!
Undialed, first S1 Video, “Saving your life” - https://youtu.be/HEsbeb9yqdk - was an instant hit and now ranks up over 200k views.

Invigorated by the reception from top riders and scoot retailers, there was no doubts S1 Helmets was a match for the scoot market!  To show its commitment to the scoot scene, S1 prompted launched the S1 LIT Helmet Collab project.

The LIT/S1 Lifer helmet - High & Multiple Impacts Certified - is a black #S1Lifer with a white LIT/Undialed Logo and light Blue S1 Logo and straps, designed by Clayton and Willy.
The first batch of LIT helmets, arrived early November, quickly sold out, with only a few retailers getting their hands on it. The amount of Lit helmets for the next production run has been tripled…

The LIT/S1 collab is a huge moment for the scoot industry! 
The Nitro Circus has paved the way, inserting scooter into his program & pushing top riders like Ryan Williams.
The LIT/S1 is the first ever collab and fist ever scoot logo on the product originally designed for skaters.
The immediate success of this first collab and support of the scooter scene opens up opportunity for more brands to support the growth of the sport.
S1 Lifer Chris Farris, NItro Circus Games training (Clayton was injured) - Photo by Shelby Grimmes

Just like surfing and skateboarding before, scooter is growing out of a core trend into a viable market.
Just like surfing and skateboarding, scooter’s active youth is hugely attractive to mainstream brands.
The growing interest from outside companies will have a huge impact on growth and progression of the scoot scene. Those marketing dollars will support the rise of new athletes, film makers, artists, better events and even might push the sport into the Olympics…

S1 Helmets is hugely proud for releasing the LIT/S1 Helmet - and trailblazing a new action sports market and breaking down the “board discrimination” wall.


Look for S1 Lifer helmets, liners and kneepads at your local scooter shop or get yours online:
Enter promo code “Undialed” to win monthly prizes and a chance to win a trip to Woodward with Undialed!

Follow us on Instagram @S1Scoot

For wholesales inquiries, contact Pierre Camoin pierrecamoin@gmail.com, headline “Safe Helmet”!!


Monday, October 16, 2017

Case of Mondays!!!

I had a few of those Mondays…

One early Monday morning Email check, first in the inbox, right out of the bat, the Scoot World Champ asking for more details about our S1 Helmets… We would love to get him on our “Certified” Ambassador team, so the week got a fast start! Pressure is on to reel him in!
(not mentioning any name to protect current deals! ;o)


Then, out of the blue, a big order came in! From the newest shop, recently open, I was for sure not expecting such a commitment from them - I was blown away.
Another order followed…
(not mentioning names to not make jealous! :o)

The case of another Awesome Monday!

Monday is also the day after the weekend (it is!) therefore social media are flown by the weekend epic rides, contests results and nasty falls clips!

So, for @S1Scoot, Social Media Mondays, we get lot of comments and/or tags, often going something like “I was so so so lucky I had my @s1scoot @s1helmets s1 helmet on and protected my from any brain damage and I hit hard.” @nate.pena  https://www.instagram.com/p/BaS8L3Ejbaj/?taken-by=nate.pena
Such shot outs often come with quite graphic videos,  like in this case. So you start the week with a “ouch” and cringes followed by a “oufffffffff” he was wearing his S1 Helmets. Yes, emotional roller coaster!!

And it is not only the posts we are tagged on, we get hit on DM too, “Saved my kids nugget this weekend” - David McLean Proud Dad of Winter Series Advanced winner Colin!
This type of messages do put a lot of pressure to respond!!! Lot to handle after a “leisury” weekend! It does put a lot of proud in the work done as well - what a weight!!! Motivation to carry through the week, feeling up the tank!

If this is hard to handle ;), how about when safety concerns uphill mum’s anger upon realizing they had bought their kids uncertified helmets  “Years worth. It seems criminal” “do you know how upset I was…”
Parents are glad and thankful they find S1 certification - S1 helmets provide up to 5 times more protection than soft shell helmets!
Realizing you had been fooled for years by the market’s best seller does get a bunch of parents quite upset! I’m glad I’m at this end of the deal, bringing a real safety solution to those anxious parents and riders!!
All that without the fashion sacrifice of most certified helmets, not dome heads, riders are happy with the blend in look, parents stoked on the safety. From anger to happy family are often part of Monday communications! No rest for the wicked!


I know that’s already a lot for a Monday but if only it was it!
All competitions are over the weekend, results and assets from evens usually land on my inbox by Mondays.
How many of our riders got into the podium? one, two, 3, 4… It’s never easy, never 0 or 1! The  S1 winner list is always long, always! So have to be the thanks and congratulations!!!
Those congrats are not just words too, there are real pride in all those riders and their achievements. They proved to be the best in their field and age category, how cool is that!?!?!?!
Positive emotions such like those can be over whelming by the end of the day!! :)


This weekend Winter Series at Ronka Underground Skatepark, #S1Lifer got 4 wins out of 6 divisions, 2 x second and 2 x third! That’s a lot of names to tag!! ;)
The main worry there is to miss a winner, so many of them! One of those young rider not in my team manager’s radar as their parents bought their helmets, they not even on the hook up list!! The kid gets on the podium and you didn’t even realized he was wearing a S1. No thanks, no congrats, no tag! Bummer! You don't want to do that!
Giving proper credits is due! I hope I didn’t forget anyone in this weekend list… Monday worries :o


Half of the podiums! And S1 has been on the scoot market for less than 6 months! Talk about Progression! (Picture, Ambassador Brig Beck @BrigBeck)

Today, was just another Monday, the rest of the week still ahead. I’ll be good & pumped up for the rest of the week!!
Next Monday, S1 helmets arrive in Europe… more winners, more happy parents & stylish riders!!
Can’t wait.

Look for S1 Lifer helmets, liners at your local scooter shop or get yours online:
Enter promo code “Undialed” to win monthly prizes and a chance to win a trip to Woodward with Undialed!

Follow us on Instagram @S1Scoot

For wholesales inquiries, contact Pierre Camoin pierrecamoin@gmail.com, headline “Safe Helmet”!!

(“Positive Sarcasm” article inspired by Scoot Chantos (Mental Munchies) for the Positivism and by “Sarcasm Month”)

Monday, September 25, 2017

S1Testimonials: "Thank you S1 Helmets" scoot riders

“In my opinion they made The best certified helmet.
Super sick helmet” 

Willy Cashion - Undialed TV - S1 Certified Ambassador - @WhiteTrashWilly

 "Today, at Nitro Circus, I’m pretty sure it save me and Barzeyy lives”This helmet is amazing”
Clayton Lindley - Undialed TV - S1 Certified Ambassador - @ClaytonLindley

“Saved my life”
“Staying safe with my fav helmet! Shoutout to @S1scoot / @S1helemts for hooking it up with the best helmet in the game! Has definitely saved me a few times on this ramp already!If you’re going to buy a helmet why not buy the best and safest one”
Will Barzey - Nitro Circus Finalist - S1 Certified Ambassador - @Barzeyyy

"Love the way it feels on my head, I feel much more protected when I ride.
Also if I ever cut my hair and the helmet doesn't fit, all i need to do is throw in the liners and I'm good, no need to buy a whole new helmet.
All in all I would say this is the most thought out helmet in the world and truly does its job."

Chris Farris - SD 11 winner - S1 Certified Ambassador - @Chris_Farris12

“Thank you to @S1scoot for supplying me with the best and for keeping me safe while I ride. Highly recommend you get yourself a S1 helmet!:"
The one helmet I trust more than any other when it comes to protecting my head is @S1scoot  Helmets are the only reason I'm still here today, I've had a few crashes that would've easy ended my life but I was fortunate enough to have been wearing a certified helmet at those times! So I encourage you to go get yourself an #S1Lifer Helmet and join the movement because all it takes is one wrong blow to your head and that's all, It's not worth your life! Stay safe with S1 and feel confident that you'll always be safe while progressing to your full potential!”
Chandler Dunn - US Champ - S1 Certified Ambassador - @ChandlerDunn1

I love how cool my S1 looks and feels and - it has my Moms approval too!
I feel good about supporting a company that supports me AND my sport 👍

Brig Beck - Little Champ - S1 Certified Ambassador - @BrigBeck1

“This is the best certified helmet I have ever tried
I love the way the helmet fits on my head, the inside pads are really comfortable;
I like the way the S1 Lifer doesn’t sit too high on my head” 
Jordan Robles - 5th SD11-  S1 Certified Ambassador - @JordanRobles9 (Photo by @Moment_Makers)

"S1 hooking it up, S1 is too nice ...There are so strong, they will actually keep you safe”
"I've been riding an S1 helmet for close to 2 years and I couldn't see myself riding any other helmet. The S1 helmet not only has different foam inserts to fit anyone's head comfortably, but has saved me from multiple falls and stayed fully intact. I highly recommend riding in one "
Jon Cross - @Jon_Cross

“Thank you @S1scoot for hooking up the new helmet! If I hadn’t had it I’d probably wouldn’t walked away” 
Jai Walker - @JaiWalker_Havoc

“Like a hug for your head! Thanks a ton @S1scoot for the care package - my brain thanks you!
After 3+ certified helmet brands later finally found one that feels good and protects my noggin!”

Mr Ryan Upchurch - Legend/Rider/Designer - @MrRyanUpchurch 

The best helmet on the market, your brain will be OK, It’s a life saver!
It won’t hurt when you hit your head!
Thank you for saving my brain”
Daniel & Dominic Deeder - @deederbros

Go give @s1scoot a follow”
Taj Burke - @tajtajtaj

 “stoked to be riding protected in my new s1 helmet. I was wearing a un certified helmet, got knocked out, came upon S1 Helmets hit my head pretty hard didn't feel a thing. I would highly suggest wearing a s1 helmet especially if your pushing your sport to the limits non-stop, almost everyone in the scooter community is rocking a dope S1 Helmet which comes when liners to fit your head perfect. Big thanks to s1 for the hook up and keeping me safe🤘”
Dejion Taylor - The Shop Rider - @dejion.taylor


“Special thanks to @s1helmets for always hooking me up with the best helmets”
Michael Uhrich -@michael_uhrich7

“They have the best certified helmets.
“Thank you so much @S1scoot for the helmet and for the support! Now my brain is safe!”
Xio - @Xiovg


“Thanks to the guys over @S1scoot for the fresh new helmet!”
Can’t thank @s1scoot enough for always making sure I’m safe with these amazing helmets. if you don’t have one yet better get on it”
Chase Moorman - @Chasemoorman


“Proud to say I’m a S1 Lifer. This brain bucket feels amazing and is so light. It’s like It’s not even there, and it’s certified. Oh lord Jesus, Everyone needs to get one. Thank you S1 helmets”
Jaden Kikukawa - @lilbanger808


“Absolutely in love with my @S1Scoot #S1Lifer helmet… hands down best certified helmet on the market period. @S1scoot you guys are the best”
Ricky McCullough - @702dialedrider


“Shoutout to the greatest sponsor in the world hooking it up with the SICKEST helmet I’ve ever had. Better than clout goggles!
To @S1Scoot thank you for the continued support win all areas of my sport the continued products and all around growth of our sport. and thanks for the best helmet on the market”
Ernie Porter - @erndoeaz


“Huge thanks to @S1Scoot.
The best helmet in the game! They’re certified, feel good and have awesome colors”


“They are the safest most comfortable helmets ever”


“Huge Shout to @S1Scoot for making the best helmets”


“By far the best helmet in the business!!!!”

 “I Love you helmet. It has saved me in many different ways”


“I wanna say a big thanks to @s1scoot for making these helmets because I can really feel the difference between the S1 and the other helmets I feel WAY WAY less shock when I fall and just thank you for making such a good helmet”


Thank you so much”
@jackdizy (giveaway winner)

 Huge thank you to @S1scoot for sending me the S1 Lifer Helmet! Didn’t realize my old helmet was not certified and not really protecting my head. Thank you!”

Go Follow @s1scoot, their helmets are prime” @isaax_sepulveda06

US Championships: 1,2… 4 & more

1,2… 4 & more Those are S1 Lifer ranking at this weekend scooter USA championships 2018!! Bransyn Smith 2018 & 20...